Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Turkey, Intestines, and Homeschool

He is such a great brother. Feeding sister while I was getting breakfast together for the big kids. This picture just melted my heart and couldn't pass sharing! I love how my kids get a long most (all) the time. The genuine friendship and love they have for each other is the exact reasoning for why we homeschool. That bond! The bond that our family of 6 comes before anyone else. The desire to do and choose our siblings and parents/spouses over anyone else. 

As we got our day started we of course did our normal calendar time and then read the Thanksgiving story WITH sound effects!! It was SO much fun! The kids cannot wait till their dad comes home so we can read it to him! 

In Science he is learning all about the body. This week has been about the digestive system. Super excited for him when he was able to draw the system and label. Including adding what the lengths are on each of the parts. He was pretty amazed with how long the short intestines were. We have also been watching The Magic School Bus: Human Body.
I mentioned we were in the middle of a curriculum change. So, far I have felt that we are getting what we need in all our areas. 

I have had a few friends ask me about homeschooling and how we afford it and what made us finally take the LEAP! The more and more I read and learn about our government and education, I just am so glad we are not having to go through all that. There are far more positive things that has came from our homeschooling experience and will continue to come to off set the financial sacrifice. That in an of its sell should not be a blockage in your road for NOT doing homeschool. Along with all the wonderful one on one actives my children are getting and extra love and attention, they are also measuring up ahead of those in public school. 

Just throwing out a few things that has been asked of me. Along with keeping our kids on the same grade level (which we don't) as the rest of their peers, socialization (which don't get me going there), and many more. I love answering question about why we homeschool and the reasons for it. I have a passion for education. I always have. Just never thought that THIS is how God would have used that passion and teaching tools he has equipped me with. 

Many Blessings To YOU!!!

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