Thursday, April 16, 2015

Few things I'm Thankful For

I am first off thankful for my salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9, I have been saved by grace not by the nice things I choose to fit in and do for others. When someone gives you a gift, you don't say "Oh how lovely, how much do I owe you?" The appropriate response is "Thank you!" Yet, we still forget that we are to SAY thank you not just constantly DO things for Christ to repay him. 
Don't get me wrong here..I'm not saying you don't have to DO for Christ. Because the next verse (vs. 10) says that we are created to do good works. Those works, God has already planned for us! Just have to rest and wait and THANK him while you wait for the next thing he is calling you to do. 

Hubby Carl and I

Next I am thankful for my husband. I've shared a little about Carl in a previous post. This is the man that I have been praying for since 7th grade! This is the man that my parents prayed for since I was a little girl! We have been married now for almost eight and a half  almost TEN years. This man has learned so much and and has truly been the man I believe God has called him to be. I am SO THANKFUL for him!!! 

Papa and Gigi
I am next thankful for my parents! My parents ROCK. Have I ever mentioned Papa and Gigi night? Well, most every Friday nights they keep all the grandkids for "PapaGigi Night". Yes, you read that right..most EVERY Friday!!! My parents have been there when it counts not just when it's convenient. Even when my mom was at her worst stage in her MS she never missed out on anything. Just being there was enough. My parents are supportive to me, my husband, and best of all our kids! My parents truly showed me how to be a good help mate to their spouse. They both showed me how to truly love The Lord. My parents ensured that I (Nan included) grew up in a household that wasn't afraid to love. That wasn't afraid to say I'm sorry (we never went to bed mad). I truly enjoyed growing up in their household! I am thankful for them! 

Nanna and Hunky Wes
I am also thankful for these two people. My sister (Nanna) and brother in law. I have also talked about how Nan has blessed me all through our childhood up through adulthood in a previous post. She has totally blessed my socks off as an adult. We really get "it" and our relationship the older we got. Nan and WD has both showed me how to love anyone. They have opened their home up to foster children. Adopted children. Babysit children. Keep my kids time to time. Talk about a heart of gold. One for Nan to truly love unconditionally no matter what and for my bro-in-law to just go with it and love right along with her! My goal is love people the way my sister loves people. So in that, I am thankful for what they do for me in my life and thankful for showing me how to love people. 

I am thankful my grandparents. My Granny and Big Papa are now living in heaven. 

Big Papa
I am thankful for the amazing memories that we have together. Granny and Papa use to take us for the summer and we would go all over the place. Papa owned a donut shop and loved how special we felt when we walked into the shop! I loved how that they told us no matter what we ever did they would always love us and accept us in their house. (Not that I thought my parents ever wouldn't accept me. LOL, just nice to know that other people loved you like your parents) My Grandma-ma!!! She is QUITE the woman!!! She has been an amazing grandma to me but I will have to put it to her. She has been an fabulous GREAT Grandma-ma. I love that my kids cannot wait to be with her and around her. They always want to know if Grandma-ma will be there for whatever we are doing. I am SO thankful for the relationship that I have with grandparents and the relationship my kids have with them!

There are so many things that they can learn from elder
Grandma-ma with Ian
Christians that their momma and daddy just simply can't teach them.

I am thankful for my husbands job.
I am thankful to live in the USA.
I am thankful for my house.
I am thankful for music.
I am thankful for my church home.
I am thankful for allergy medicine.
I am thankful for our President.
I am thankful to be able to homeschool our children.
...the list goes on and on...

We should be thankful in ALL things!! 

It is obvious that money and material possessions and several other things can get in the way and make a mess of ones spiritual walk. I think that when we are truly thankful in all things and have our sufficiency in Christ, our priorities are aligned. (1 Tim 6:6-10, Heb. 13:5)
With the ark of God, David appointed Levites to continual praise and give thanks to God. Praise and thanksgiving should be a regular part of our daily lives. It is hard some days to do these and find things to be thankful for. (1 Chr. 16: 4)
Little over a year ago, it was really laid on my heart to truly be thankful for what we had. Not to want for anything more. I went through a stage where there was nothing new bought material wise. We had plenty and that was good. I went through our clothes and got rid of 15 bags of clothing that was just extras. We never wore it. It just make our closets look great by being full and needing not. I had forgotten all the wonderful gifts that God had gave to me in my life. 
I should be thankful in all things. The good, bad, and the ugly.

I pray that I continue to see all the gifts to be thanking God for! I will say, November isn't the only "thankful" month of the year.

Many Blessings To YOU!!