Monday, September 16, 2013

Happy Monday, It's National Play-Doh day!!

I didn't blog on Thursday...So the first 3 pictures are from last week. We finished our week up with Apples and read Ten Apples Up On Top! They drew a picture of themselves with 10 apples on their head. Along with finishing up with apples this last week. We finished our school week with National Chocolate Shake day on Thursday! We were going to make them but we didn't get back into town in, we chose to just pick one up at our local Sonic. 

Shakes are 1/2 off after 8pm!! SCORE!!

I only schedule thematic units every other week. So, this week is our "off" week. We did start our morning with our daily calendar time and then with our US History. Hello Statue of Liberty! I love her, so we are taking the week to learn all things about her! She is such a fabulous lady! :) We made a lap book today with all the fun facts about her. 

Bear knows and recognizes her numbers already..I just want to make sure she does before starting to add and subtract. 

Working on his lap book.

Shape Patterns!!! She is slightly obsessed with these! Her brother was too...Love working our way through the book just to see what she knows already.

YAY for our Total Language Plus!! We are about half way through our curriculum. Already trying to decide what book we should do next.

Synonyms with his current and past spelling words. His vocabulary has already grown so much using this all in one curriculum. Some of his words this week are Amiss, Flummox, Heft, Ignorant, Pesky, Sullen, and Vagabond. I love hearing him play and instead of saying "bad guys" he uses a past vocabulary word, Rouges!! I LOVE IT!

Today is National Play-Doh day!! 

Hope that you all are having a blessed Monday! I know we are!!

Many Blessings to YOU!!


  1. Nora and I got a set of a dozen cans of Play Doh last week and still haven't busted into them... Seems like today should be the day!
