Monday, October 7, 2013

To Serve and Protect

Today we went to take a tour of our local police department. 

We are studying community workers. Our PD is recently remodeled. It is such a nice place inside. Last time I was there was grade school and we took a tour... It is a whole lot nicer now. We are so blessed to live in a wonderful town. Low crime rate and the officers are truly here to protect and serve. 

This has reminded me how God is there to protect and defend those who have come to Him. I just sometime totally get overwhelmed by this thought! I love love LOVE my kids with every bone in my body. But this still is just a small amount of love God has for His people. 

In school and through college I always felt like I needed to defend in behalf of Christ. And I would get worked up about it and really would shake me to the core when a person and I wouldn't meet eye to eye about Christ. I have recently be told through a sermon that I need to stop being so defensive because they aren't attacking me and my belief in Christ. But actually attacking Christ. If I would have come to the conclusion of giving this reigns to Christ and it being said or done HIS way and not MY way it would have gone so much more smooth. I wonder how many people I totally ran off due to not allowing Christ to handle this through me. It is all pure selfishness. 

Lots of rambling going on (I know). However. I have decided that in order for me to live the life that God who is graciously giving,me I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes. God has so much grace for love for me I need to be showing this to everyone I come in contact with. Sounds super simple.. But the mouth thing is not a simple task for me. 

This is part if a hymn called Grace in its highest definition is --
 It is this grace which in our spirit is,
 There energizing, working out God’s will.
This grace, which is the living Christ Himself,
 Is what we need and must experience;
 Lord, may we know this grace and by it live, 
Thyself increasingly as grace to sense. 

I know this has been a huge leap from police station with the kids. However, it is what I have been learning. 

Many Blessings To YOU!!!

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