Just to start off instead of it lingering. We are expecting! We will be meeting a little girl in February! This will be gift number five for us!
We have really start to prepare for this one quick.
She will be here within a blink of an eye! Lots of holiday's coming up and this time of year just goes by quick naturally.
With three in diapers, we have decided to take a hand at cloth diapering. I am excited to get my stock together starting.
Homeschool has been a new learning experience in our home. With two one year old in the house we have had to work more at school and schedule. I say schedule..but I truly mean NO schedule. While they are napping that's when we get most of the schooling done. Some days we wait till dad gets home to finish up some of the things that needs more emphasis.
Speaking of dad...he is now working for a different company here in our town. He got into a really big wreck in May.
His breaks failed and slammed right into another semi. Praise the Lord that he was alive and okay!
Other than several internal bruises and external scrapes he was able to (almost) walk away. The paramedics of course didn't allow that. With few weeks of physical therapy he was back on his feet. After the wreck, he knew how hard it would be to continue to drive the semi.
God truly works in some crazy mysterious ways! With this wreck opened a door to a local company. A local company that's values are so close to ours. He has really enjoyed the move and job change.
The last several months my heart has been heavy. Heavy with the mercy that God showed with my husbands wreck. Heavy with our decision of homeschooling still. Heavy with job change and the finical side that always brings. Heavy with the new arrival coming.
In all those things and many many more, I have been overwhelmed. I get overwhelmed easily.
In anytime that I feel this way, this verse is thrown in my direction. It is one of my favorites. I also have to listen to the Ricky Skaggs song Lead Me to the Rock.
Many Blessings To YOU!!!
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