Friday, October 25, 2013

Park and Celebrating with some Pumpkins!

We have a new park in our town. Went and played at it the other day! Our town has been "renovating" several of our parks. Which makes me SUPER happy!! Our park in our neighborhood is being done this coming year!

This park had some awesome climbing options!

BL is getting so much more brave the older he gets.

This was also the first time the babies got to swing at the park! They LOVED it!!

Itty Bitty and her wonderful brother getting some loves from each other. She is getting teeth and bubby held her for awhile. They were watching the new PBS show Peg + Cat. We really like their new show!! 

This has been our messiest art project we have done in school. Glue and yarn. 

He is the least messiest person EVER! So, this wasn't his cup of tea. He did accomplish this art project with our complaining that the glue was getting on his fingers! :) 

Put the pumpkin face on and let it dry over night! 

Tah-Dah!! They are super cute pumpkins!! Glad I bought the huge thing of glue! 

This one is Bear's pumpkin. She drew her face on the felt and I did cut it out. Kid scissors didn't cut on felt very easy. 

Can't wait to carve our pumpkins we got at the pumpkin patch! 

This picture is of my kids and my sisters kids. We call her Nanna/Nan/Nanny. Whatever they are feeling for the day. I absolutely love all these kids!! They all bring so much joy to our family. And they are all so different so when they are together it is a perfect mix. Our Bear has all those older boys wrapped around her finger for sure! 

Hope you all have a Very Blessed Weekend,

Many Blessings To YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully our park will be January! Not soon enough for me, haha!
