Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hello Personalities!!

We started our day off with some airplane building/decorating.  Some days when she wakes up ready to create those sometimes are our scary/hard far (knock on wood) has not been one of those days!! Besides she thinks she is now the WORLDS STRONGEST GIRL because she can pick up an airplane. 

After breakfast I thought I could possibly get a picture or two of the  babies. I was pretty much wrong. They are too much on the move and go go go to sit for a picture. Last night I laid down in bed and was just in awe that in 2 months they will be a year old. I am assuming having double is why the year has gone by so quick along with just the nature of my aging. Here are a few from the morning that I could snap that wasn't a complete blur! 

He is one silly silly boy! I love seeing their personalities unfold. Just as soon as I think I have them figured out, they totally change on me! I swore he would be like his older brother. Calm, sensitive, in tune to everyone around him and she would be our rowdy, loud, and and not so in tune to anyone around her. I do believe that what I thought a few months ago is changing! He is a flirt. He is funny. He is messy. He even has an ornery face already. She is calm with a bit of a wild streak. She is sensitive to her surroundings.  Active yet keeps it together. 

I love watching our kids grow and change. I love how different they are yet we have the same goal. 

Today is our last school day of the week. It's our unit test days in all our subjects! 

We ended our day with reading The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks book. And then did a guided drawing. 

The guided drawing..was not really her speed. More his speed. After it was all said and over with we had a pilgrim girl and boy with a turkey. I found the instructions on a blog I found (which I can't find the link to now). If I find the link I will add it to the post later. 

Such a great week we have had and will continue our Thanksgiving learning next week!

Many Blessings To YOU!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Turkey, Intestines, and Homeschool

He is such a great brother. Feeding sister while I was getting breakfast together for the big kids. This picture just melted my heart and couldn't pass sharing! I love how my kids get a long most (all) the time. The genuine friendship and love they have for each other is the exact reasoning for why we homeschool. That bond! The bond that our family of 6 comes before anyone else. The desire to do and choose our siblings and parents/spouses over anyone else. 

As we got our day started we of course did our normal calendar time and then read the Thanksgiving story WITH sound effects!! It was SO much fun! The kids cannot wait till their dad comes home so we can read it to him! 

In Science he is learning all about the body. This week has been about the digestive system. Super excited for him when he was able to draw the system and label. Including adding what the lengths are on each of the parts. He was pretty amazed with how long the short intestines were. We have also been watching The Magic School Bus: Human Body.
I mentioned we were in the middle of a curriculum change. So, far I have felt that we are getting what we need in all our areas. 

I have had a few friends ask me about homeschooling and how we afford it and what made us finally take the LEAP! The more and more I read and learn about our government and education, I just am so glad we are not having to go through all that. There are far more positive things that has came from our homeschooling experience and will continue to come to off set the financial sacrifice. That in an of its sell should not be a blockage in your road for NOT doing homeschool. Along with all the wonderful one on one actives my children are getting and extra love and attention, they are also measuring up ahead of those in public school. 

Just throwing out a few things that has been asked of me. Along with keeping our kids on the same grade level (which we don't) as the rest of their peers, socialization (which don't get me going there), and many more. I love answering question about why we homeschool and the reasons for it. I have a passion for education. I always have. Just never thought that THIS is how God would have used that passion and teaching tools he has equipped me with. 

Many Blessings To YOU!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Plymouth Rock

We love counting down in our family! We are counting down our days till Thanksgiving. While we count down, we are doing Thanksgiving things daily. Yes, I know, I know, I haven't blogged in forever. We have been in the middle of a curriculum change and teething babes. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Not because of all the sales and hype of shopping the day of and after. I don't participate in ANY of those "festivities". I will go as far to say I will never (my momma always told me not to use the word always and never). Well, I'm using it. I love Thanksgiving for the simple and constant reminders of the daily routines of being thankful. I love being with family. Face it, I love thanksgiving food too. 

Kids are watching a video about Plymouth Rock. 

Normally the babies are sleeping during our school in the morning. Today, they chose to participate in some. 

He decided school was boring and was going to take me up on the now afternoon nap! He of course had to finish his cheerios first and milk! He loves food!

This superstar is READING!!! I helped her read through the story only once and she was a professional from there after!! I am so pleased with her progresses!

The month of November the kids have been working on the "We are Thankful for:" tree. I am just amazed at some of the things they are thankful for. Some of the simple things in life such as their beds, backyard fort, all to serving a mighty God, military service men and women, and even our president. We have so much to be thankful for and I am anxiously waiting or what they will say for the rest of the month.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."
1 Chronicles 17:6

"give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Not only should we be thankful just the month of November. I am often reminded through my children we are to be thankful IN all and FOR all that Christ has done for me. 

The babies are now just over 42 weeks old. I Just cannot even fathom that we are THIS close to one year mark! Itty Bitty has 6 teeth now and Bubbers has 4 now. So, when I said they were teething, I meant it!! They are working on a couple more I think. I love watching and hearing them interact. 

Hoping to share a few things I'm thankful for in a blog soon.

Many Blessings To YOU!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

Started our day with a little review of English for this guy. (Don't mind the the snot rag. We are a family with lots of outdoor allergies, and waiting for the first good freeze!)

We have been doing different types of Science and History/Geography this year. Haven't really been pleased with any of it. We are now trying Alpha Omega's LifePac. He LOVES History, so I am really hoping that this really keys in for him.

One thing this girl does not like in school. Copy work....The only struggle we ever have. 

Finished work leads to ART!! I knew it would take her a little longer to cut than her brother, so she started her art before he did. 

We watched a short video about Veterans Day

Along with the video, I had a little history sheet that I read and he answered questions over what I read. Which the sheet and the video went together very nicely!! 

Onto our art project for the day. We made poppy's. They (I mean BL because Bear was so far gone from our school day by this time) now know why the poppy is worn at this day. My family are hockey fans. No, not just fans...MAJOR fans and the Canadians all are wearing their poppy flowers the last two weeks. So, we have been talking about them already.  

I love that the kids are into art and doing art. I don't know what I would do they didn't like to do art. This momma likes to do art!! 

Their finished poppy art! I love them!! I think I will frame these!! They were supper simple and fun. The kids (7 and 4) were able to do every part unaided.

Ending with this. My granddad (Big Papa). He was in the US Air Force. Our school is named after him and our youngest is named after him as well! I am so grateful for him and  the men and women of the past, present, and future that are serving our country. It wasn't until recent years that I realized that serving in the military isn't just a normal typical job. Takes sacrifice from the person serving in an unselfish way. I just am overwhelmed with appreciation for those who have fought for ME. Here is a huge THANK YOU!!!!

Many Blessings To YOU!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy Blessing DAY!!!

November is a super special month for my family. Primarily for my sister. This month not only is Adoption Month, this is also the month that her and her husband adopted their boys! Along with being super special in general, it is made even more special because their oldest was adopted 2 years ago on this date and their two younger ones were adopted 1 year on this date. So they have what they call "S... Blessing Day!!" Nan (my sister) has such a beautiful testimony about the adoption and the process and where The Lord has brought them and their boys to today. 

BL working on his math. This boy could do math all day long...I wish I loved math like he does when I was his age.

November is the standard "thankful" month. Well, we teach our children that everyday we are to give thanks for all the blessings in our life and even the hard things. With that being said, I did make a We are Thankful for tree. I love hearing what they are thankful for. It will be interesting to see how they're growing with their thanksgivings by the end of the month.

Bear working on graphing. She was thankful for all her Princess toys. I love the spunk in this girl!! She keeps me going and on my toes!

Our deep thinker. Thankful for his home. Thankful that he has a mom and dad. Get this, even thankful for the food even though he doesn't always like what we serve. He is super kind spirited and sensitive to everyone. He helps keep balance with our free spirited one. 

I am just overwhelmed with all the blessings that God has blessed me with. He has done great things in the Fielder household!

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thess. 5:16-18

Praying that you find lots of things to be thankful for in your life as well!!

Many Blessings To YOU!!!